
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I love my Simpsons DVDs 

They're perhaps the greatest purchase I've ever made. I skipped over season 1 which is admittedly spotty and lacking in funny. Season 2 is not in my collection either, although there are some gems in there. But season 3! Ah yes! This is where The Simpsons truly hit their stride. I just watched "Homer at the Bat" again last night (the episode where Mr. Burns hires a bunch of major league baseball players to act as ringers on the powerplant's softball team). It's pure genius. Immediately after, I watched the commentary for the episode. The commentaries on the whole are very enjoyable, most notably because it is apparent that the creators love the show as much as the fans do. That's really refreshing when you live in a city known for its cynicism and false hope. Season 4 comes out in June and will feature a couple commentaries with Conan O'Brien, the funniest of the late night talk show hosts. It's a shame that the Simpsons are still airing new episodes, though. It's like watching your dog limp around with one eye, three legs, and a broken tail -- you just wish someone would put it down. I grew up with The Simpsons. This show has had as much, if not more, influence on my sense of humor, my writing, my outlook on life, my personality as any form of media to date. Now, sadly, it's unwatchable. It probably should've come to a close somewhere around season 11 (at the latest). But alas, money talks and Fox still needs programming desperately. Bastards.

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