
Monday, August 09, 2004

See this movie 

I loved Collateral. A surprisingly tense, fluid, and extremely entertaining ride. I was actually kind of amazed at the depth of the characters, both Foxx and Cruise. I've been a fan of Jamie Foxx the actor for some time (Foxx the comedian, so so), but he's really terrific in this movie. The scene in the club is just freaking great. One minor problem that I won't spoil for anyone, but otherwise it's top-notch. Easily one of my favorites of the year.

As for Michael Mann, he's back. I really like "Heat" and love "The Insider," but was really down on him after the boring disappointment that was "Ali." Collateral is most reminiscent in terms of style to Heat. See this movie.

Interesting note at the box office. Though I've yet to see it -- and still plan on seeing it -- things look very bad for M Night Shyamalamadingodfouighdfjegjkhd's The Village. It opened at $50 million last week and dipped to just over $16 million. That's awful. Word of mouth surrounding this movie hasn't been good either. Still, I'm a fan of Night's work and would like to see for myself.

See Collateral. The website is pretty neat, too.

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