
Friday, October 08, 2004

Brain fart 

Just came back from a super long lunch at a, well uh, a bar. Sports bar, specifically. Sports bar called "Irelands" more specifically. Some of my colleagues and I were watching the Boston/Anaheim game (Red Sox are pounding the crap out of Anaheim, by the way. Angels' season is cooked) over a few beers (4, I think) and some burgers. It was a nice break from the last couple days at work which have been somewhat of a kick in the face. I couldn't help but notice that at this bar, this bar called "Irelands," that there was a poster on the wall of the film "Michael Collins." Struck me as odd for some reason. Yes, I know that Michael Collins is a very important figure in Irish history, but when I stumble into a dimly lit bar that features regulars who refer to citizens of that boot-shaped country as eye-talians, I'm just not anticipating seeing a framed poster of Liam Neeson on the wall. Of course, no sooner do I write this paragraph than Vladimir Guerrero hits a grand slam in the 7th inning to level Anaheim with the BoSox.

It's nice to treat yourself to a laid back Friday when you've gone through such a busy week. Sort of puts you in a zombie-like state, though. The last four days, I kept wishing it was actually Friday. Then this morning rolls around and all I can think about is what happened to the rest of the week. As Simon and Garfunkel would say, "Half of the time we're gone, but we don't know where, we don't know where."

Speaking of zombies, I'm serious about everyone going to see "Shaun of the Dead." It's just great.

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