
Friday, January 14, 2005

Landlord Update 

Shocking. Just shocking. He didn't show up yesterday. Who ever could have guessed. I was, however, in contact with him throughout the day. At about 1pm (2 hours late) I call him to ask when he might find it convenient to keep his appointment and show up. Turns out he was in a "meeting" and wouldn't be able to make it to the house 'til about 3pm-4pm. Okay. Fine. See you then. 4pm rolls around and still no landlord. Before I can call him, he calls me. "Yeah, there's just no way I can make it out there. I'll call the plumber and, if you want, I could stop by later tonight (gee, how generous)." I tell him he doesn't have to worry about coming over and to just call the plumber (which is what he was asked to do from the beginning!). Twenty minutes later, the schmo calls back and joyfully informs me, "Okay, the landlord will be there at 9am tomorrow. First thing! His name is George and he'll be there at 9. Oh, and don't worry about the bill. I'll take care of it."

Don't worry about the bill. I'll take care of it. Are you freaking kidding me? Of course you'll take care of it! You're the bloody landlord! Of course, I don't actually say that because I'm just so stunned that he even has the gaul to suggest I might have had to pay for the plumber myself. All I can do is scoff and say, "Yeah!"

Anyway, George the Plumber got here a little while ago. Pipes are being fixed. Water soon to return. End of story... hopefully.

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