
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I need to kill these last 15 minutes at work 

With that in mind...

Lately UP:
- Getting my work done super efficiently
- The beach
- The Futureheads
- Return of the NHL
- Entourage (still haven't seen latest episode)
- Wedding Crashers (it's good, but now I'm reaching)
- Upcoming hiatus (includes trip to Vegas)
- Renewed optimism in the job market (I guess)
- Parties happening this Friday and Saturday (But I'm so tired)
- Friends (yeah)
- Oakland A's are on fire

Not quite as UP:
- It is hot as balls in my bedroom as well as the rest of the house in general. Stupid no A/C!
- Entering the true doldrums of work
- Procrastinating replying to any emails from family members (not for any reason either. Some I haven't seen in years or even met)
- The internet in general. It bores me. But only because there is NOTHING to do at work.
- This post (is dumb)
- Generally mismanaging my free time in favor of "fun" or "laziness."
- Family Guy (I still like it, but the show has slowly but steadily been losing appeal for me)
- This post
- Fast food (more that I eat it at all, lately)
- The Lakers are embarrassing themselves this summer

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