
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wouldn't you like to fit into your old clothes, too? 

Peoples, I have an article recommendation for you courtesy of my good friend and Phoenix Suns guru, Brent Selmins (Slemins!). To anyone battling the size of their wasteline while fending off constant attacks by McDonalds and Burger King, the following is an inspiring, personal glimpse into one man's on-going journey to eating right and feeling right. I think we've all in some capacity wrestled with weight and appearance. Hell, I know how gross I feel if I go four days without a workout at the gym and I'm not exactly Johnny Fatman. Anyway, I think we can all gleen a little insight from "The Battle of the Bulge."

*Note - The article begins to repeat about 70% of the way down the page. So, you know, don't worry about that last 30%

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