
Friday, March 03, 2006


I definitely just got home from work ten minutes ago.

I definitely just had a 15-hour work day.

I definitely don't need your sympathy. Just more turn-around-time than: full day of footage shot yesterday needs to be maticulously assembled and put in final script for tomorrow.

I definitely am watching Knight School, the new reality show on ESPN starring Bobby Knight, right now just to make sure my day doesn't only consist of sleep and work (I'd say "eat," but, you know... it was Jack in the Box). Bobby Knight is quality entertainment. The wannabe jocks trying out for the walk-on spot on the Texas Tech team? Not so much.

I definitely am excited that it's March. College basketball goes full blast in the next couple weeks. Love the madness.

I definitely forgot that the Oscars are this Sunday, until I was reminded earlier today that I was hosting an Oscar party on Sunday. Interesting surprise that would've been. Man, for some reason, that's just not anywhere near my radar this year.

I definitely am tired.

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